Today services are being held to remember the late Michael Jackson at the Staples Center. I just want everyone to take a minute to watch the services and think about the things in life that are really important to you. Mike was only 50 when he passed and had 3 kids. My mother is 51, has 3 kids (just like mike), and works 2 jobs. God damnit I know I would lose my mind if anything were to happen to either of my parents especially at this point in my life. Children, teenagers, and young adults all think their parents are going to live forever, including me. Clearly this is not possibly and the death of Michael Jackson just shows how fucking flimsy life really is. One day we're here, the next we're gone. HONESTLY PEOPLE take the time today to tell your parents, grand parents, siblings, friends, anyone who means anything to you, that you love them. Last year I lost one of my best friends, Jeffery Alex Dobay, which changed my life forever. He taught me to value and love every thing I have been given. I will be truthful, I lost sight of this valuable lesson but the passing of Michael Jackson brought it rushing back.
So I will say this in parting. This world we live in is fucked up, crazy, and down right unforgiving. One day your here and the next you may not be. Nothing is this work is guaranteed to any of us, no one is guaranteed to be here. I know this outlook is kind of grime but its the fucking truth. Take the time today, tomorrow, or whenever to tell the ones you most value in the world that you care about them. Maybe it's a hug, a phone call, a kiss, whatever the action you choose to show you feelings, it will be greatly appreciated in more ways than you know. Please, I urge you to never forget this lesson, and to always be thankful for what you have.
With love,
Christopher Maxwell Coulter.
nice post coulter