So I went to my friend Zach Rosskamm's house Wedneday evening to play some basketball as we usually do in the summer outside on his tennis court. First I must say that I am not a very injury prone person, normally its just a rolled ankle with me, never really anything serious. I have never broken a bone, dislocated anything, or had stitches. Notice the word there HAD. So the usual suspects were at Zach's, myself, Logan, Mike, Zach, Marc, Peter, Mr. Rosskamm, Waxman, B-Ho, and Rogen for a couple games of basketball. To get to the point, I got the ball off a rebound or turnover, I dont remember which, and pushed it up the court. Mike ran back on D and as I came down the court he proceeded to hack me! Nah I'm just kiddin'. As I went up for the lay up Mike bodied me (NO HOMO) and I came down and tried to stop myself as my momentum carried me into the fence. I've ran into that fence almost every time we've played outside and stopped myself safely, but this time I wasn't so lucky. I grabbed the fence with my left had but missed with my right and a piece of metal at the top of the fence cut open my forearm. It was a pretty good cut, probably about 5 inches long and down to the white meat. It didnt bleed very much, but since it was a good length cut Mr. R and I both thought it best if I went to the hospital and got stitches. So I went, yadda yadda yadda, a few hours later I had 15 stitches in my arm! The cut didn't and still doesn't hurt that much. I was actually kind of excited to get the stitches because now I can make up some badass story to go along with the scar. I was also sad to see my run of 20 years, 9 months and a couple days of not having broke a bone or had stitches come to an end. So life goes on, I just thought I'd share my new experience with you all.
lmao @ the joann tag for mr. R